a proven system to fast-track your success

Here's how we do it.

Licensed Realtors In BC
Certified Teachers
Students Enrolled
Complete Courses
Alisha Ilaender Teaching In The Board Room
Shane Toews teaching in the board room

“We strive to use every possible educational method available to accelerate the process of becoming a licensed Realtor.  We pursue relationships based on transparency, persistence, mutual trust, and integrity with our students, employees, customers and other PRET Partners.”

How we built this course from the ground up!

PRET:  Has organized and simplified the content into easily readable and understandable principles.

PRET:  Was able to strip out all the irrilevent reading.  Some chapters tend to go on and on, forever.  We’ve put an end to all the “fluff”. 

PRET: Focuses the learning objectives to be a reflection of practice exam questions used in the past.  This means, we know what UBC wants you to learn.  So, we focus (almost exclusively) on teaching the content that will most likely be on the official exam.

PRET:  Has evolved into an advanced online learning environment, implementing industry standard education techniques.

PRET has archived older past questions over the last few years while adding the most recent content, so we don’t miss anything.

We've re-written the book!

The Real Estate Trading Services Textbook has mixed up all their practice questions and overlap assignment questions between 2 or 3 chapters.  This makes it difficult for students to simply learn one concept before going to the next.  We’ve organized ALL content to be per chapters so we can conquer one principle before advancing to the next.

In the process of organizing and re-writing the Real Estate Trading Services Text Book, we’ve noticed certain language patterns and tatics used to have people  second guess the correct answer. 

We’ve cauterized and known common word games, double negatives, what’s true or what’s most true.  This will help you read and understand the patterns and what to expect when writing your exam.


One of the most frequent misconceptions we run into with new students, is the idea that what they’re learning in the Real Estate Trading Services textbook, is relevant to the actual job description of being a Realtor.  It’s not.
For Example:
When your showing a house, and the client ask’s how much their mortgage payment is likley to be, you would simply ask them to download their bank’s payment app or refer them to your Mortgage Broker.  In real life, there wouldn’t be a situation where you would need to use a financial calculator.  But in order to pass this exam and become a licensed Realtor, you need to know this content.


PRET suggests that all students understand and accept that a large majority of what they’re being taught, won’t be used in real like scenario.  That said, this content is a great foundation for the industry.  

So the question is, why would this text book teach me all these irrelevant topics?

The best explanation is that the Real Estate Trading Services Text Book is not specific to becoming a Real. or. It includes services such as.  Property Management, Strata Management, Mortgage Broker , Associate Broker and Managing Broker.  

Meet Our Educators

In addition to Shane Braun & Alisha Ilaender, PRET offers long established Real Estate professionals as guest speakers.


1.  You must be 19 years old at the time of writing your exam. 

(This means you can order the course and study prior to your 19th birthday.)

You will need to have a recently taken passport picture with one pice of government issued identification.

2.  You will have to be of good reputation.

This includes No criminal record OR if you have a very small infraction it might be acceptable by the Real Estate Council of British Columbia.  We suggest students contact the RECBC prior to embarking on the path to licensing.


3.  Satisfy the English Reading, Writing and Speaking requirements.

The CELPIP is a 3 hour English test that will examine your ability to listen and understand, write proper sentences with proper grammar.  In addition, students will need to speak clearly and pronounce each sentence with logical sentence structure.

Those who have a University Degree are exempt from this requirment.  


Step 1.  You’ll want to sign up at UBC’s website and pay the $1,150 tuition for the Real Estate Trading Services Licensing Course.  You will receive a text book, work books and calculator.

Step 2.  You can sign up for our PRET  fast-track program for $940.


Yes there are additional costs to becoming licensed for Trading Services. As this cost might update at anytime, we direct all students to RECBC Costs Associated With A Career In Real Estate.

As with any business start-up there will be additional costs above licensing.  These would include business cards, a website, appropriate business clothing, a computer, transportation and other essential tools required to be in this profession.  

That said, you can make the bulk (if not more) of your initial start up cost with the commission of your first or second client.  You also don’t need to pay for everything all at one time.  And you can get started with PRET for at little as $940 (first class for free).


Our program simplifies the UBC course content into a 56 hour training session specifically designed for you to understand the type of questions on the exam and how to pass.  

1. Classroom sessions are held twice per week
2. Course Binder / Workbook Included
3. Two dedicated Instructors In Class
4. Mock Exams & 1,000 Question Study Review


Most students are intimidated by the Math portion, don’t be.  After our simplified math tutorials almost all of our students would prefer the exam to be 100% math.

1. Calculator sessions start at the very basics.
2.  Reverse engineering the question to easily find the solution.
3. We show you the things to look for and everything to ignore.


Our program simplifies the UBC course content into a 56 hour training session specifically designed for you to understand the type of questions on the exam and how to pass.  

1. Classroom sessions are held twice per week
2. Course Binder / Workbook Included
3. Two dedicated Instructors In Class
4. Mock Exams & 1,000 Question Study Review


Most students are intimidated by the Math portion, don’t be.  After our simplified math tutorials almost all of our students would prefer the exam to be 100% math.

1. Calculator sessions start at the very basics.
2.  Reverse engineering the question to easily find the solution.
3. We show you the things to look for and everything to ignore.

from PRET to PREC banner


Our program simplifies the UBC course content into a 56 hour training session specifically designed for you to understand the type of questions on the exam and how to pass.  

1. Classroom sessions are held twice per week
2. Course Binder / Workbook Included
3. Two dedicated Instructors In Class
4. Mock Exams & 1,000 Question Study Review


Most students are intimidated by the Math portion, don’t be.  After our simplified math tutorials almost all of our students would prefer the exam to be 100% math.

1. Calculator sessions start at the very basics.
2.  Reverse engineering the question to easily find the solution.
3. We show you the things to look for and everything to ignore.


Our program simplifies the UBC course content into a 56 hour training session specifically designed for you to understand the type of questions on the exam and how to pass.  

1. Classroom sessions are held twice per week
2. Course Binder / Workbook Included
3. Two dedicated Instructors In Class
4. Mock Exams & 1,000 Question Study Review


    Our program simplifies the UBC course content into a 56 hour training session specifically designed for you to understand the type of questions on the exam and how to pass.  

    1. Classroom sessions are held twice per week
    2. Course Binder / Workbook Included
    3. Two dedicated Instructors In Class
    4. Mock Exams & 1,000 Question Study Review


    Most students are intimidated by the Math portion, don’t be.  After our simplified math tutorials almost all of our students would prefer the exam to be 100% math.

    1. Calculator sessions start at the very basics.
    2.  Reverse engineering the question to easily find the solution.
    3. We show you what to look for and everything to ignore.
    4. Contact us for a 1 on 1 overview.